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Showing posts from September, 2020

09/23/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

September 23, 2020 1. Should Genesis 3:15 be read as “He shall crush” or “She shall crush”? 2. Does an incorrect baptismal formula really make a baptism invalid? 3. Wouldn’t a location on Earth point toward, then away, from the sun at 6-month intervals? 4. Aren’t we supposed to pray for Ruth Bader Ginsburg? 5. Thoughts on Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court? 6. What’s your favorite James White debate? Did he ever ask to debate Sola Scriptura? 7. When will the full version of “The Church vs. Galileo” be completed? 8. Did any Catholic monarchs embrace the divine right of kings? 9. If you had the money, what experiment would you do to prove geocentrism? 10. Did the dinosaurs live before the flood? If not, why were they included on the ark? 11. How long did “Not by Bread Alone” take to research and write? Any tips for new writers? 12. Why do some Catholic parishes say the Democrats are of the devil? 13. Does Jesus stay in the

09/22/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

September 22, 2020 1. Should we pray and hope that Ginsburg made it to purgatory? 2. Is the KJV not a real bible since it wasn’t approved by the Church? 3. Taylor Marshall and his views on the infiltration of the Church. 4. Should we convert to Greek Orthodoxy? Do they have a better claim? 5. The Melchizedek vs. the Levitical priesthood. 6. Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? Like Leviathan or Behemoth? 7. Thoughts on the various groups within the Traditional movement. 8. Did Lazarus go to heaven, or limbo, before being resurrected? 9. Are you weak on the Traditional Latin Mass, as some claim? 10. If you could go back in time, what would be your top 3 destinations? 11. Comments on archeologists that try to disprove the Exodus. 12. Why do textbooks change pictures of the earth’s tilt to point toward Polaris? 13. If the Church and the canon each say the other is infallible, how can we know either? 14. How do we return youth to the Churc