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A Critique of Catholic Answers’ Tract on “Creation and Genesis”

Over the years Catholic Answers has produced some exceptional apologetic material, but this was not one of them. Oddly enough, we cannot blame it on anyone in particular because the author did not attach his name to the tract. I think we can safely assume, however, that it would not have been published in 2004 without the consent of the then president, Karl Keating. For all intents and purposes, this tract started with a presumed thesis and then went on a hunt to find evidence to support it. The author skipped his way through the patristic sources, twisting and cherry-picking as he went. Insult was added to injury when at the end we find that the nameless author secured a nihil obstat and imprimatur from his local bishop. Sometimes an imprimatur isn’t worth the paper it is written on, and this is one of those cases. Bear with me as I go through this tract sentence by sentence.

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